I was recently reading someone describing how they were able to experience such joy and happiness by watching their grandchild take in the beauty in the details around them. The everyday ordinary details that often go overlooked by so many were noticed and celebrated by this person’s grandchild.
This family session put into life exactly this notion. As Avery marveled at the bright orange leaves on the ground and watched the grass swoosh beneath her boots as she dashed across the yard, joy was written all over her parent’s faces. Giggling, Avery blew bubbles and then watched them float in the air around her, looking to see if her parents thought it was just as amazing as she did. They sat down next to her and soaked in the beauty of moment right along side her. The happiness that this ray of sunshine clearly brings her parents was so incredibly sweet and left me with a heart full of gratitude to be able to photograph. Here are some of my favorites from this beautiful at home family session!
